We’ve celebrated Harry’s Heroes this week by sending out these little treasures to them to mark Volunteers week! We spent the week celebrating some of our volunteers on our Facebook & Twitter pages as we know just how important they are to us!
Volunteers enable us to carry out the work needed to achieve our aims and objectives, whether it be fundraising or supporting families. We decided that it was important to thank them and show our appreciation!
We conducted a survey recently that told us that our volunteers feel appreciated, found the role they played very satisfying and would volunteer again! What we need to work on is enabling them to understand how great the impact they have on our work, is!
We have always been proud of our volunteer model so conducting this survey and also asking for individual feedback really showed us that we’re managing to get most of it right! There’s always room for improvement so we will continue to strive to ensure our volunteers are valued and feel it!!
If you are interested in joining our Harry’s Hero bunch, whether you can help out on a stall, at a fundraising event, on our events team, or even have an idea that you’d like to put our way. However big or small there is a place for you!! Whether it be for 1 hour a week, a month or a year, we need you!
We offer a great volunteers package which includes a tee shirt or hoody (dependent on event/time of year) plus out of pocket expenses such as travelling expenses (bus/petrol) and also provide food & drinks where appropriate (usually minimum of 4 hours continuously).
You can contact odette@harrysrainbow.co.uk to arrange a chat to find out more!!