It has now been 3 months since our Covid response Support Programmes were introduced. Our existing programmes were adapted and we introduced new ones, that would enable us to continue to provide the support needed to bereaved children and their families.
New registrations
So far 41 children have registered to access our service in 2020 which is reflective of the same time last year. We have managed to still provide memory boxes to the majority those children, personally delivering them, if needed.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Support
Our partnership with Arthur Ellis:Mental Health Support has proved so helpful to the families who chose to access the programme, funded by us. Early reviews of families who have completed their support, show an increase in self-esteem in comparison to before the sessions began, with most agreeing or strongly agreeing that feelings of isolation had improved.
Buddy Programme
Our new Buddy programme has proved beneficial to the majority of those accessing the support. Our interim review provided some of the following feedback;
“It was very nice to just have someone thinking about your wellbeing . Especially during the most difficult time”
“With so much support being unavailable due to covid-19, having support has been crucial. Having that safe person to talk things through with has been of great support. It’s been like a bridge between not having counselling and feeling alone at such difficult times. My buddy has been a safety net for me.”
“The programme has really helped me with being able to talk to my buddy about how I’m feeling and having feedback and advice from someone that understands”
Virtual Online Groups
We have facilitated 15 groups which have been attended by almost 100 participants overall. The groups purpose varied, from Rainbow group sessions with short and easy to do at home craft activities, to introductory groups for new beneficiaries.
Polls taken at the time of Rainbow Groups show that the attending children felt less lonely and isolated.
Rainbow Retreat
Despite being closed for 3 months, our retreat opened up early in July allowing us to book short breaks for families throughout the summer, which will benefit over 50 children.