We recently had a fantastic visit to Ninja Warrior in Milton Keynes with our teens and young adults. In total, 23 young people came, some looking forward to the challenge, others feeling a bit more nervous about meeting new people and having a go. Luckily, once they got chatting, climbing, swinging and running up walls they soon all loosened up and had a fantastic time!
We provided them with headbands so they really looked the part, made sure we had plenty of drinks for them and they finished the evening by sharing some food. On the way out, they all were very pink cheeked but happy. It was a great way for them to meet each other in a relaxed and fun environment, allowing them to make connections to other bereaved young people and give them the confidence to access the groups that run once a month. Some even swapped numbers so they could connect outside of Harry’s Rainbow. A successful, fun trip!